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Davis Yogi
Deputy Director of Transportation / Airport Administrator 2002 - 2003
Some thoughts of my 40 years at Hawaii airports

Davis Yogi started his leadership of Hawaii's airports in 2002. As a business owner, specifically an aviation business owner, I was  glad to see Jerry Matsuda move on but another individual without any aviation experience was concerning. I initially found Davis to be approachable and open to discussing the issues that effected our business.

I was hopeful.

Clipping from Honolulu Star-Bulletin - Nov23-2002.jpg
Clipping from Honolulu Star-Bulletin - Nov23-2002.jpg
Clipping from The Honolulu Advertiser - letters to editor nov29-2002.jpg
Clipping from The Honolulu Advertiser - Apr2-2001.jpg
Clipping from The Honolulu Advertiser - Apr26-2001.jpg
Clipping from The Honolulu Advertiser - jan24-2003.jpg

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