The airfield of various names has been operating for 80 years. For over 40 years it has been under a joint-use agreement with the Army. Even though the agreement has allowed civil use, it has not been without issue for the many users of the north shore airfield. Without long term leases the users are subject to 30 day revocable permits to operate their business and the joint-use closes civil use on various days.
This airfield and its business promote over 100 jobs and contributes over $12 million to Hawaii's economy. Kawaihapai Airfield is the only airfield in Hawaii that promotes skydiving and gliders and with the islands tourist based economy, everyone should recognize the importance of this field and keep it open. Currently it would seem that the stakeholders are looking to do just that but when you look at all the history of the airport, as well as the DOT-A, you cannot celebrate just yet.
Optimistic, Hopeful... but I have been there before.
See more about this airfield blow.
Tom Anusewicz (December 2022)

Kawaihapai Airfield

Mokuleia Field 1942

December 12, 2020

In my 40 years at Hawaii airports, I spent very little time at HDH but will touch on a few things soon.
Tom Anusewicz